
One of the 7 deadly sins: our new website

By George Hulbert, who generally tries to avoid deadly sins:

Pride is well known as one of the seven deadly sins. But I'm proud: of our new website. It's taken a long time to get here, and at Clarity we're all so happy that it's finally live.

We're now finally living a proper modern 2016 life online - but, much more importantly, we're practising what we preach. Good news.

Some of the things I like most about the new site - apart from the ease with which we were able to create it thanks to the super-friendly Rocketspark platfom - are what we consider to be the 7 virtues of communication:

1. It's mobile-friendly
Responsive websites are so important these days. With more and more online activity taking place via mobile devices, websites that aren't visible or usable on your phone fail an important test: and, much worse, mean that visitors are much more likely to bounce out.

2. It fits our communications model and ethos
One of our mantras here at The Clarity Business is: 'One piece of content used many times'. (I know, we're an exciting bunch.) However, it really is important to use your content effectively. If you have gone to the trouble to create something useful for other people, ask yourself how and where you can share parts or all of that content in other ways and other places. Your website should always be the home of your knowledge, news, opinions and information, and we now have the platform to do that well.

3. Shareable content
If your mantra is to use content many times and in many ways, you've got to make it shareable. This blog post for example: scroll down and share it! Go on, it's easy, and you'll impress your friends.

4. It's clean and visual
You don't need a million dollars to make a site look appealing: that was a great discovery for us in this process. Thanks to resources like Unsplash.com (we're massive fans) and the quality of images you can now shoot with something as basic as a phone camera, we hope you agree that our site is attractive and easy to navigate.

5. It's a simple showcase of our services, case studies and knowledge
We've tried hard to keep the words down - we don't want to machine gun you to death with words on the site. However, the structure we have gone for hopefully allows you to see what we do, the value we generate, and to find out more on site if you want to. And, if you want to know more, we'd love nothing more than for you to get in touch.

6. Navigable blog - with tags
Our blog posts are now tagged, so you can track topics easily and find other articles on the same topic if you're interested in it - whether it is tendering, or trends we're spotting in social media or content marketing etc.

7. Easy newsletter sign up
(hint hint, nudge nudge). It's hardly ever sales-y and always tries to be short, useful and interesting. Give it a try, sign up here:

So I'm proud of the new site. Well done me. Much more importantly though: what do you think of it? Let us know, get in touch!

Finally, I must thank Mikela Dennison and Dylan Brown, who worked very hard and with no little initiative to make it happen. Great work guys!


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